SI314 Network Sensor Interface for USB Pressure Transducers
- Network Interface for P61 USB Transducer
- Smart Phone App for Portable User Interface
- Real-Time Graphical Data via Browser
- Wi-Fi or Cabled Ethernet Connections
- Time-Stamped Data Logging Over Network
- Pressure Readings, Alarms via Twitter, Email
The SI314 is Ideal for:
- Remote Pressure Reading
- Smart Phone Interface
- Pressure Data Logging
- Twitter Alarms, Updates
- Transducer Calibration
The Validyne model SI314 is a network interface that connects our model P61 USB pressure Transducer to your smart phone or network web browser. The SI314 supports Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections and will display current pressure readings and transducer status on any web browser or via smart phone.
The SI314 also displays the transducer temperature, date of calibration, model and serial numbers and these can be viewed wirelessly or by Ethernet connection. The SI314 makes your P61 accessible from anywhere in the world.
Data logging of pressure data is configured via a web browser or smart phone and readings may be stored once per minute to once per hour. A thumb drive or memory card collects the data in comma separated file format(csv) for download to your computer. The data may also be accessed via the network. A graph of the data is also generated on request. A Twitter function allows pressure data to be tweeted from the SI314 at user-defined intervals.
The transducer zero and span calibration adjustments are password protected and operated via browser buttons. No potentiometer adjustments are required to calibrate the P61 transducer.
Contact our Sales Department for a link to the Demo!
Our offers
- USB Interface for Digital Operation with PC
- Excellent Stability Over Wide Thermal Range
- 0.25% FS Accuracy, 0.5% Max Temperature Error
- For Liquid or Gas Service
- FS Ranges from 3.50 In H2O
- USB Drivers and Post Calibration, Logging Software Included
- Now available in 316SS and Inconel
- 0.1% FS Accuracy
- CAN Bus Digital Interface
- Gage, Differential and Absolute Versions
- Low Temperature Error
- For Liquid or Gas Service
- FS Ranges from 2.22 In H2O
- ± 5 Vdc Analog Output
- Calibrated Sensor Input to Your PC via USB
- 16-bit Resolution, 5 KHz Conversion Rate
- 8 Input Channels, Sensor Excitation Provided
- Connector Panel Included
- Data Acquisition Software Included